Case Details
- Contributors
- Fatimah El-Rashid
- Matteo Guerrato
- Pierre Muletier
- Thomas Gossner
- Date
- IDE 2021
- Theme
- Low-Impact Living
- Links
- Website
Social media platforms are under scrutiny over their impact on our planet’s climate and society’s digital wellbeing. 2020’s surge in online usage has scientists concerned about the climate impact of using the internet. Often overlooked because of its intangible nature, the internet has a larger carbon footprint - also known as digital carbon footprint - than the aviation industry.By 2030, internet traffic alone will account for 10% of global energy demand (equivalent to the United States’ net annual energy consumption). Today, 81% of internet traffic stems from video streaming and social networking platforms, whose services rely on ‘attention-hacking’ strategies to increase consumers’ time spent on their platforms to drive targeted ads. Not only are they destroying society’s digital wellbeing, but they are also fuelling climate change by encouraging unhealthy and unsustainable online habits.This begs the question: ‘How might we revamp social media to reduce carbon emissions and enhance digital wellbeing?’. Our final project, grove, is the answer. Click on our profile pages to find out more!